Thursday, July 24, 2008

The Wilds

Hey everybody I'm going to camp on Monday. I am going to swim in the lake there will be a zip line and you get on and slide down a line and then you drop down into the lake I am looking forward to that. I will probably room with all of the boys. There will be preaching I'm so looking forward to that the only thing I am not looking forward to is dressing up every night. there might be canoeing that will be fun I have never gone canoeing before. I can't think of any thing else but free time when you get to go with your friends to do ANYTHING. that will be so much fun. I can not wait until Monday!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Mitch and Karens

Friday I am going to see Mitch, Karen, and Grandmaw Claire. And we am spending the night at there house. We are going to the lake and watch movies we will have so much fun.

I'm not melting

Hey everybody, I'm not melting because we got the A.C fixed yesterday and now the temperature is 74 Fahrenheit in the house and I'd like to thank the two guys that fixed it Jason and Justin thanks guys.

Monday, July 14, 2008

It's HOT In my house

It is so HOT in my house, because the Air Conditioner broke right now. It is 86 degrees A.K.A BLAZON HOT. If any of you are willing to let me Sara,mom, dad, scooter, and boomer sleep at your house please let me know as fast as you can and please hurry I am dying and melting.