Friday, May 30, 2008

AR Carnival

Ms. Jackson my librarian at my school threw a celebration for everybody who made 3 out of 4 goals for AR. I was one that went and there was a tower slide. It was 100 feet tall. There were 2 obstacle courses, 3 trampolines, a throw the ball and see how fast it is, and a basket ball game for 2 people.

I just wanted to thank Ms. Jackson!!!!!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Hey everybody school is out in 2 weeks so I will try to blog a lot more. If I have time see I have 3 or 4 basket ball camps and after those I will go to disney and after that 1 or 2 week of break. And then I have the camp that I am going to with my church! So I have a LOT to do so I will try to blog more!!!!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Hey guys I see Ms. Lyn and my mom like spots isn't he cute! Well let me get to the point I have a friend that is 20 years old her name is Kelly she is going to Serbia on Friday I will miss here she has known me since I was a baby she has baby sat me and Sara. She has a blog called Kelly: Ichthus she also has a brother named Kevin Kelly's Mom said Kevin can not come to the air port because he has school Friday Kelly's Mom has a blog to called Beverly: Mamma's Blog Log I wanted yall to pleas pray for her and hope she has a wonder full trip and lift some to god!!

Monday, May 26, 2008

My Blog Skin

Hey everybody how are you doing? I am doing great! As you can see I changed my blog skin and it has a puppy on it he is really cute I am naming him spots since he has some spots on him!
I think he is really cute!