Saturday, April 12, 2008

New baby cousin!

YEAH he is finally here my new baby cousin is here. He's a boy, his name is Josephus (JO-SE-FUS) Andrew William Stroud (JAWS). Isn't that cute he already has a nickname. I love him so much.

He was born March 19th, 2008.

I looked on the internet and found out what his name meant.
It is a Hebrew name which means - God will increase. God has added a child.

He is so tiny you can compare him to a baby doll. He does not fit in his shirts yet.

I will get to baby sit him when Melissa has a candle party that means I have to feed him, change his diaper ooooooooooooo. I have to hold him when he wants me to, I have to play with him, it will be so fun. When Robby and Melissa are ready I will get to spend the night with them. It will be so fun, I can not wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Beverly said...

How cute, a nickname already!

I like the picture. Watch our changing those diapers, Whew!

LynnSC said...

Hey Phillip,
It is Ms. Lynn, I love your blog. I was excited when your mom told me that you had updated it over the weekend.

I love the picture of you and your new cousin. You will have a great time with him growing up.
Ms. Lynn

Anonymous said...

JAWS? Does that have more to do with his appetite or how loud he is when he cries? I miss all of you, Seph, Bug and You too....kiss the baby for me, and here is one for you and Bug...


Love Aunt Fer Fer

LynnSC said...

Hey Phillip,
I love the look of your new blog!! That is the cutest puppy I have ever seen. We have had two puppies just like him.

Have fun on your new blog.

Anonymous said...

Hey to you Phillip,
I just want you to know I think your "blog" is a wonderful idea.
Your Paw Paw is here with me and he ways "hello and much love" and what by the way is a "blog"?
Black Grandma